Vital Sports Performance
The goal of Vital Sports Performance is to provide sound, science-based physical training to youth athletes.
Maximize your recovery and performance with mobility techniques designed by our world class training staff
Increase power and performance with a step-by-step approach to strength training. Our programming is designed for beginners through college athletes.
Learn to maximize efficiency through technique and training designed for all athletes. Set your own pace with group lessons or individual sessions.
Upcoming events
Health Assesment
10.21 7:00-8:00PM
Join Team Vital for a free health assessment for the upcoming season or school year
Speed Training
10.21 7:00-8:00PM
Join Team Vital for a group training session @Annapolis High School this August. More info coming soon!
Strength Training 101
10.21 7:00-8:00PM
Join Team Vital for our intro to Strength Training class with Coach Fitz